Jackson Kennedy
1 min readApr 11, 2021


A day of progress but in hindsight semi-meaningless progress. I messed around with the frontend UI so that it only shows one button at a time. First “Sign Into Spotify” and then “Fetch Recently Played Tracks” for testing the API. Picking which to show is accomplished by adding display name to the app’s state. This is returned as soon as the user is signed-in and authorized. Also, I re-tooled the front end a little bit so that it uses some different components. I say this is semi-meaningless because the UI is going to change so much all the touch-up I did is just going to get re-done in the future. I rationalize it by saying now there is a cleaner outline to add details to later so maybe that’ll be the case 😎

Once again I have lied about how much progress I’ll be making but, oh well. I’m putting fingers to the keyboard so its better than nothing. My goals for tomorrow are nearly identical to the goals set for today.



Jackson Kennedy

An almost alum (ahh) writing stuff